How Important is Staying Hydrated?

By Dr. Dylan Alderman, Chiropractor

As summer approaches and you move to your outdoor activities in the sun and the heat, it’s important to stay hydrated. Drinking adequate amounts of water is an easy but overlooked aspect of maintaining good health.

How much water you should drink per day depends on your body weight and activity levels. A general rule for daily water intake is to drink half of your body weight in ounces. For example, a 200-pound person should drink 100 ounces of water, or 12.5 cups of water. If you’re living an active lifestyle and losing water through sweat, you should of course drink more water.

man drinking water to stay hydrated in the summer heat
man drinking water to stay hydrated in the summer heat

The health benefits to drinking water are numerous, but here are a few examples of what staying properly hydrated can do for your body.

  1. Regulates body temperature: water helps your body regulate body temperature by producing sweat. As your body temperature starts to rise during activity, sweat is your body’s way of cooling the body down.
  2. Improved physical performance: dehydration slows circulation, making your heart work harder to move nutrients through your body. This causes your body to expend energy, causing you to fatigue faster.
  3. Supports digestion: adequate water intake aids in the digestive process by breaking down fiber and keeping your digestive system operating to the fullest. This, in turn, helps to prevent constipation.
  4. Healthier skin: water also helps to keep our skin hydrated, slowing the progression of lines and wrinkles and aiding in the elasticity of your skin.
  5. Boosts immune system: sufficient water helps to support your body in removing waste and toxins.
  6. Increased mental clarity: Being properly hydrated has positive effects on cognitive function. Dehydration can affect your memory, mood, and concentration.
  7. Fewer headaches: When you’re dehydrated, your brain (and other tissues) shrink. This can put pressure on nerves and cause painful headaches and migraines.

As we gear up for the summer months, make sure to prepare your body by drinking plenty of water. Designating a water bottle that you use all day long can help you to keep track of how much water you have drank and keep you accountable. It’s an easy way to improve your health!

Chiropractic Care and Water Intake

Water is an essential element of a comprehensive plan for overall health. Along with chiropractic care, drinking adequate amounts of water is a simple but often overlooked aspect of maintaining good health. Chiropractic care can help improve joint function, relieve pain, and enhance the body’s natural healing abilities. Combining chiropractic care with proper hydration can further support the body’s natural healing processes by promoting circulation, aiding digestion, and reducing inflammation. Adequate water intake can also help prevent joint stiffness, headaches, and muscle fatigue, all of which are common conditions treated through chiropractic care. So, whether you’re receiving regular chiropractic adjustments or simply looking to improve your overall health, remember to drink plenty of water to keep your body functioning at its best. See how our Edina chiropractors can help you improve your overall health, schedule today.

How Important is Staying Hydrated?
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How Important is Staying Hydrated?
Water is an essential element of a comprehensive plan for overall health. Along with chiropractic care, drinking adequate amounts of water is a simple but often overlooked aspect of maintaining good health.
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Chiropractic Health & Wellness Edina
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