Non-Toxic Trades for a Fresh Start to the New Year
There are lots of ways to reduce stress on the body. Many of you will remember when you were a new patient at our clinic that we emphasize stress and its three main forms: trauma, thoughts, and toxins. While Chiropractic aims to help manage trauma or physical stress, we also need to be aware of ways to help reduce the toxic load in our daily lives. Did you know that the average woman comes in contact with 50 different toxins during her morning routine? There are so many hidden toxins in everything from lotion to makeup to toothpaste that all accumulate and add to our daily toxic load. Simply focusing on replacing some of our basic products can make a positive impact on our bodies.
To help you make healthier and better-informed decisions, let’s take a look at some toxic ingredients we should all aim to avoid in our daily routine, both skincare and cleaning: parabens, triclosan, phthalates, fragrance or perfume, siloxanes, PEGs, oxybenzone, formaldehyde, 2-butoxyethanol, PERC, and ammonia. Having an awareness of these ingredients is the first step to making healthy changes for you and your family.
Below is a list of HEALTHY and NON-TOXIC choices versus the traditional brand-name options many stores carry. Buying the healthier option often requires ordering online or searching deeper than the end cap at your local store, but long term your body will thank you.
- Aleavia vs shampoo and body wash
- Force of Nature vs 409 or traditional disinfectant
- Branch Basics All-Purpose Spray vs Lysol countertop cleaner
- Seventh generation vs Tide laundry detergent
- Branch Basics Streak Free vs Windex
- Branch Basics Oxygen Boost vs Oxy Clean
- Carina Organics vs Johnson and Johnson Baby Shampoo
- Beauty Counter vs Maybelline or MAC
- Dr. Bronners Castille Soap vs Dawn Dish
- RiseWell vs Crest toothpaste
Join us in welcoming the new year with a healthier and less stressed body. And remember, a little goes a long way—little changes now will benefit you for LIFE!