Revolutionizing Knee Recovery: The Power of Softwave TRT

Discover a New Era of Non-Invasive Healing for Knee Osteoarthritis, Meniscus Tears, and Ligament Injuries

In the ever-evolving landscape of regenerative medicine, breakthroughs with Softwave Tissue Regenerative Therapy are reshaping the way we approach healing. This non-invasive treatment uses a shockwave to target your body’s own stem cells (repair cells within the body) to regenerate damaged cells and tissues. At Chiropractic Health and Wellness we have seen remarkable results treating a host of common knee conditions with this revolutionary shockwave treatment



Some of the most common knee conditions that can be treated with Softwave TRT include knee osteoarthritis, meniscus tears or injuries, and ligamentous (ACL, MCL, PCL) injuries or instability. Those dealing with knee osteoarthritis often report pain or discomfort in the knee that makes jogging, kneeling, or even climbing stairs uncomfortable. It may even cause your knees to feel stiff or swollen. Meniscus injuries are very common, with more than 40% of people age 65 or older with meniscus tears. A meniscus injury may feel like there is a tendency for your knee to get “stuck” or “locked up”, difficulty bending or straightening the leg, and pain or swelling in the knee. Knee instability is the sensation of the knee twisting or moving from side to side when doing basic activities – typically a sign of a ligamentous injury. Not all ligamentous injuries require surgery, and Softwave TRT may be a great treatment option due to minimal recovery time, allowing you to strengthen the knee to prevent further injury. 

Here’s an excerpt from a testimonial from one of our patients who was dealing with chronic knee issues prior to shockwave therapy with Softwave TRT: 

“I have been having issues with my right knee for the last 6 years. I have tried strength training which helped improve my knee pain by 50%. When I walk upstairs. I lean on my left leg to do more of the work and after completing my Softwave treatment I’ve noticed I have been able to use my right knee in a more balanced proportion to scale stairs and the discomfort has greatly decreased. My knee before Softwave felt like it was loose, unstable, and leaning toward fragile, after Softwave the right knee feels new. Stronger, and tighter. As a result, I have more confidence in using it and putting pressure on it. The team at Chiropractic Health and Wellness is a well-oiled machine and are behind why I feel like in my mid 40’s I’m tapping into some of my 20-year-old energy levels. As a result of feeling how healthy my right knee is, I immediately signed back up to get this therapy on my left knee!”

If you or someone you know suffers from knee pain, discomfort, or has lost the ability to live their normal active lifestyle due to a knee condition, Softwave TRT may be an option for you. With a regional examination and “Discovery Session”, an introductory treatment, our doctors at Chiropractic Health and Wellness can determine if you are a candidate for this non-invasive regenerative therapy. Schedule your appointment today and discover relief!

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